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龍年有福 FAT財有您~The Food Story 賞您過肥年!

由2024 年 2 月 10 日至 2024 年 2 月 24 日一連十五日,

我們將不定時於The Food Story App內狂派$300 大利是

每日888 個名額,總值近 400 萬港元*!




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1.優惠碼會每日不定時透過The Food Story App 推送消息發放








4.如有兩張 $50及兩張 $100現金劵即時加入到「我的錢包」中,代表搶利是成功!

尚未成為FOODIE會員的您,立即下載 The Food Story App即可免費登記,

準時開APP搶利是 更可享用更多會員尊享禮遇!

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Google Play.png

「888過龍年 $400萬現金利是日日搶」條款及細則Terms & Conditions For “888 Laisee Hunting 2024”

(1) 推廣活動期由2024年2月10日起至2024年2月24日(包括首尾兩天)。This Campaign is offered by The Food Story from 10 February 2024 to 24 February 2024 (both days inclusive)(“Promotion Period”).
(2) 推廣活動只適用於已下載The Food Story會員手機應用程式之會員(「合資格會員」)。The Campaign applies to members (“Eligible Members”) who have downloaded The Food Story mobile application (“The Food Story Mobile APP”).

(3) 每人每日可憑指定優惠碼獲取利是乙次。Each participant can redeem Laisee with the designated Promo Code once per day.
(4) 需輸入指定優惠碼以獲取利是,包括 The Food Story 龍年 $50 電子現金券 (2 張) 及 The Food Story 龍年 $100 電子現金券 (2 張)。Redeem Laisee with the designated Promo Code, including The Food Story Dragon $50 e-voucher (2 pcs) and The Food Story Dragon $100 e-voucher (2 pcs). Limited quotas apply, first come first served.
(5) 優惠碼每日不同,並將透過 The Food Story App 推送提示不定時發佈。The designated Promo Code for the day will be announced via The Food Story App push notification.
(6) 優惠碼只限當日發佈時間起至晚上11點59分期間使用,此優惠碼設每日名額888個,數量有限,額滿即止。Each dedicated Promo Code is only valid for use from the time of its release on the day until 23:59. Each dedicated Promo Code is with a quota for 888. Limited quotas apply, first come first served.
(7) 龍年電子現金券須於指定分店及日期內使用,請另參閱電子現金券內之條款及細則。The CNY e-voucher can be used at specified outlets and on or before a specified period. For Terms of Usage, please refer to Terms & Conditions of the CNY e-voucher for more information.
(8) 如有任何爭議,The Food Story保留最終決定權。In case of any disputes, the decision of The Food Story shall be final.

龍年電子現金券使用細則Terms of Usage For Dragon e-Voucher

(1) 此券只適用於指定日期內使用。 二月份之龍年電子現金券有效期由生成日起至2024年2月29日;三月份之龍年電子現金券有效期由2024年3月1 日至2024年3月31日。有效期過後,此券將無法使用。This e-voucher is available for specified dates only. [Feb] e-voucher is valid from the day of redemption till 29 February 2024; [Mar] e-voucher is valid from 1 March 2024 till 31 March 2024. Upon expiry of the validity period, the e-voucher will no longer be usable.
(2) 此券只適用於指定分店使用。$50龍年電子現金券可於Camellia、SENSU、幸福鳥及祥仔使用;$100龍年電子現金券可於Huso、粵藝館、松藝館、日山、月山及幸匠燒使用。This e-voucher is applicable in specified outlets only. $50 e-voucher is applicable in Camellia, SENSU, Shiawase Yakitori and RIcky's Kitchen only. $100 e-voucher is applicable in Huso, Art of Canton, Artisan De La Truffe, Hiyama, Gassan and Shiawase only.
(3) 此券只適用於堂食。This e-Voucher is valid for dine-in only.
(4) 每張帳單最多可使用 1 張龍年電子現金券,不可分單使用。Maximum 1 e-voucher can be used in one bill. Splitting bills are not allowed.
(5) 此券不適用於電話、手機程式或網上購物。This e-voucher cannot be used for telephone orders, mobile apps orders, or online purchases.
(6) 此券不適用於購買任何時令及零售產品、禮券或現金券。This e-voucher is invalid for purchasing of any seasonal and retail products, gift certificates or cash vouchers.
(7) 請於結帳付款前出示此券。Please present this e-voucher before settlement of payment.
(8) 此券只可使用一次並將於兌換後被扣除。This e-voucher will be surrendered at redemption and will not be returned under any condition.
(9) 任何此券之影印本或網上截圖均屬無效,恕不接受。Photocopies or online screenshots of this e-voucher are invalid.
(10) 此券不允許作任何形式之轉售。This e-voucher is not allowed for resale by any means.
(11) 此券不可兌換現金、不可更換或作現金找贖。This e-voucher is non-exchangeable, non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash.
(12) The Food Story保留修改本條款及細則而不作另行通知。The Food Story reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this e-voucher without notice.
(13) 如有任何爭議,The Food Story保留最終決定權。The Food Story reserves the right of final decisions in case of any dispute.

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